Supplier for the Netherlands
“For many years, Van Schie has been the supplier of choice for foundation companies in the Netherlands. As a one-stop shop, we support virtually all foundation companies that are members of the NVAF. Think of us as a ‘rental company’ for the higher segment.” Speaking is Sr. Foundation Engineering Account Manager Marcel Baas. He talks about the wide range of “people and equipment” Van Schie has to offer: “We always come up with an appropriate solution and can switch very quickly. Calling today sometimes means getting to work tomorrow.”

Article Grond/Weg/Waterbouw – Text | Roel van Gils Image | Van Schie
Most of Van Schie’s projects are subcontracted. “We are active in very many areas,” said Baas. “Among other things, we specialize in pre-drilling and crushing, we help our clients install sheet piles, we can install precast piles or screw injection piles, and we have mastered the technique of soil mixing.
All these facets we can also perform under remediation conditions, in accordance with BRL 7000. In addition, we have a huge fleet of pontoons and driving plates that we use for rental, as well as telescopic cranes and mobile noise barriers (for the purpose of pile driving).”
Pontoon bridges
“We handle all activities from A to Z with our own transportation and our own operators,” Baas continued. “Our engineering department provides drawing and calculation support if required. Especially with the pontoon bridges a requirement. A concept with many applications by the way.” The latest innovation in this area was recently in the heart of Zaandam, across the river Zaan. “The 110-meter long pontoon bridge was specially designed and calculated for this location and serves as a bicycle and pedestrian bridge during the renovation of the Wilhelmina Bridge.
A unique feature is the whopping 24-meter-long rotating center section. This section had to be able to open and close within a few minutes, hinged 180 degrees, even in wind force 8. And that many times a day. In addition, the bridge had to accommodate police, fire and ambulance vehicles of up to 5 tons.”
Mock airfield
Van Schie is involved in a wide variety of projects as a supplier to the Netherlands’ primary schools. During World War II, Schiphol was used by the Germans as a military airfield. Just down the road at Rijsenhout, they had built a mock airfield to deceive the Allies.
In addition to Schiphol, bombs were dropped around the fake airport. Because the possibility existed that there were still so-called “duds” in the ground, Bodac meticulously combed the entire area. They punctured as many as 15,000 holes, right through the waterproof soil layers.
Van Schie was on hand to re-inject all those holes with bentonite immediately afterwards to ensure that the soil layers did not get mixed up. Bentonite injections are a specialty of Van Schie and are widely used by them. Also, for example, for filling holes or trenches in dikes.
Neeltje Jans
A little further south, at Neeltje Jans, Van Schie contributed to the foundations of a wind farm. Wind turbines should not be aligned because of navigation of ships and all kinds of breeding birds. As a result, they must be founded in awkward places, such as on a breakwater or in the water. This requires a very specific foundation, which requires specialized machinery.
The concrete windmill foundations at Neeltje Jans have a diameter of as much as 20 meters. This requires drilling 32 holes: 16 holes straight into the ground and 16 at an angle. And that to an average depth of 8 meters. This particular job required the use of a drilling crane that could pre-drill under a 14-degree brace position. Forwards and backwards. And Van Schie has those in its arsenal.
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