Hansje Brinker had an easy task. He only had to stick his thumb in the dike to prevent the country from being flooded. In 2023, dozens of specialized civil engineering contractors must work together to ensure that the dikes do not break and everything we have built up is washed away.


Work is currently underway on ‘the largest dike reinforcement operation ever’, under the responsibility of the Rivierenland Water Board. Over a distance of 80 km, between Gorinchem and Tiel, the Waaldijk will be strengthened, raised and made safer.

Where necessary, sheet pile walls are installed, up to 15 meters deep. To prevent leaks from occurring and also to ensure that the entire process runs vibration-free, Van Schie first drills deep holes in the ground and injects the dike with a mixture of bentonite, also called ‘swelling clay’.

Van Schie can call itself a specialist in this field. The drilling cranes that carry out this are often located in the tightest locations, such as in Herwijnen, literally in the pastor’s garden.

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