Lifting, pushing, lifting, but mostly rolling. Using this combination of techniques, a heavy-duty concrete weighbridge was installed inside a building where waste containers must be weighed.

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We all know the concrete weighbridges, outside in industrial parks where trucks are weighed with their loads, but such weighbridges inside a building are less common. This case involves an Underground Waste Transport System (OAT) under construction. It is a system of smart waste collection in which the garbage from a particular district of the city is transported to a central building via a kind of “tube station.

There it ends up in containers, which are then weighed on this newly installed weighbridge. With this system, there are no more bulging trash containers in the neighborhood, no more stench, no more litter and also no noise pollution from garbage trucks.

Such a weighbridge usually consists of a platform sunk into the ground, on which one can place a vehicle (or in this case, a container). After weighing, the containers in this project are disposed of at the domestic waste plant.

The scale, which itself weighed 24 tons, was unloaded outside by Van Schie with a crane, then placed on steel beams with four roller tanks underneath and rolled inside. There the concrete behemoth was picked up by two cranes, the steel beams plus the roller tanks could be removed and the weighbridge could be lowered into place.

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