
On land, at sea and in the air

This year marks exactly 50 years since the popular program first appeared on the air. Back then it was called ‘Fly Out’. At Van Schie we look back with great pleasure on all those years that our company was able to take care of the construction of all ‘wet’ locations.

Ter Land Ter Zee (2)

Our pontoons formed the basis of all the components that René Stokvis of TROS devised in 1973, the basis of this longest-running TV program in the Netherlands. It has been stopped for over thirteen years, but the program is still alive, even among the younger generations.

It is timeless entertainment, because what could be more fun than ‘seeing someone perform their best’. And as a participant you don’t have to be strong or smart and you don’t have to train for years. Everyone can participate to be a star for one minute. ‘One moment of fame’. Who would not want that!

Anniversary broadcasts

Recently there were some special anniversary broadcasts on TV and a special edition was also held in Delft by students who ‘raced’ across the pontoon track with soapboxes to brake at the end and then jump to the bell.

At Van Schie we had a permanent pontoon team for 25 years led by Theo Kooyman, who advised the TV people and devised technical solutions for new parts of the program. Think of Quick to the Bell, Cycle it in, High and Dry and don’t forget the soap ramp for Tub dancing.

In addition, stable pontoons had to be formed at each location for the mobile cameras. The bell and the twelve-meter-long pole remained in the warehouse in Mijdrecht for years, in the hope that the weekly TV program would be restarted. But unfortunately…

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