Can’t, we don’t know

Standard piling or low-vibration foundation piling? It can be both. Transportation, pre-drilling, working from a pontoon, Van Schie advises, arranges and just does it!


Because Van Schie has its own machinery, transportation, augers and pontoons, we can do more than you might expect. In fact, we do everything we can to get your project done right. And we are happy to advise you on efficient project execution, material choices, load carrying capacity and other issues that will help you move forward.

In fact, concrete posts are qualitatively the best posts you can have. So we deploy those a lot. But there are more solutions. And to reduce vibrations when piling, then we regularly pre-drill the situation. An additional advantage of pre-drilling is that the piling is also faster afterwards.

Additional options

  • Deep pile driving
  • Pre-drilling if the job calls for it
  • Providing the poles with measuring wire and/or grounding
  • Application of a spray lance in heavy piling work
  • Driving off the pile head at feed fields at height
  • Additional reinforcement for extreme pressure, tensile and moment loads


  • Backwards to a maximum of 4:1
  • Forward to a maximum of 4:1

Quality control

With each pile, Van Schie supplies a KOMO certificate if required. When driving in precast concrete piles, the load-bearing capacity can be checked by calving. This involves assessing the probed soil structure when prefabricated piles are driven in.

Get advice

With more than half a century of experience, passionate people, modern and extensive equipment, our experts always know how to give you an excellent proposal. Please fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible. Do you have questions and prefer to discuss them in person? If so, feel free to call our expert.

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  • Laura van Schie
  • Office Manager

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